Christian CommunityPresbyterian Church

Board of Deacons


The goal of the Board of Deacons is to provide support and care when the congregation is in need, sick, feeling friendless, in distress, or grieving life’s hardships. They also celebrate life’s joys and successes. They also assume other duties such as serving as liturgist and serving the Lord’s Supper.

Deacons meetings are held on the third Wednesday of each month with the purpose of sharing congregational needs and learning about events in the CCPC and the community.  Each member and friend of CCPC is assigned to a deacon who maintains contact with the individuals in his or her cluster. The cluster list is updated continuously to include new members and long-term visitors.

The deacons coordinate the prayer shawl ministry, which distributes prayer shawls or lap rugs to those in need of comfort and support. Members and friends of CCPC knit and crochet beautiful, soft shawls and lap rugs that deacons pray over before delivering to individuals in their clusters. People who have received prayer shawls/lap rugs have expressed their appreciation for how meaningful this ministry is to them.

Our Deacons

Class of 2025
  • Scott Brock 
  • Nancy Honeyford
  • Betsy McArdle
  • Julia Monroe, Moderator (Missions)
Class of 2026
  • Carrie Ahearn (Children and Youth)
  • Carole Brady (Nominating)
  • Ann Fleming (Diversity Equity & Inclusion)
  • Paula Hays (Worship)
Class of 2027
  • Dave Fleischer
  • Judy Genson (Connections)
  • Margaret Levitan (Parish Life)