Christian CommunityPresbyterian Church

CCPC contributes to the Bowie Interfaith Food Pantry, which distributes food to local families and individuals in need.  In addition to collecting food donated by the community, the Pantry staff coordinates the collection and distribution of food donations from local grocery stores and restaurants. 

The Pantry is housed at 2614 Kenhill Drive,  Suite 134 and is open from 9 am to 11 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Volunteers are welcome during those times, as well as to collect food from grocery stores.  Donations of nonperishable items are always welcome.

To volunteer, or for other information, please call 301-262-6765 or view the Pantry website.

For current information and needs, see the Pantry Monthly Newsletter. 

      • Director, Bowie Interfaith Food Pantry, Michaeline Gandolph