Christian CommunityPresbyterian Church


Our next New Member Class begins March 30.

We rejoice whenever individuals conclude they have been led to formally and publicly join Christian Community Presbyterian Church. This decision may take shape over a matter of months--even many months--while people become acquainted with and involved in our life and work. Classes help newcomers connect and discover how involvement in our church family can provide significant friendship and spiritual growth.

Periodically there are classes on foundations of church membership. In these classes, participants learn about the history, form and functioning of the Presbyterian denomination as well as CCPC. Membership requirements are the very simple ones set forth in the Presbyterian Church: Profession of Faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and a commitment to support the work of the congregation.

New member classes for Spring 2025 have been set, as follows:

March 30 & April 6 - 11:15-12pm - Meeting with Pastor in Conference Room
April 13 - 11:15-12:30pm - New Members Lunch with Session (our Active Elders)
April 20 - Be received into our Membership during our 11am Easter Sunday worship.

If you are interested in attending a church membership class, or would like to get better connected with the church, please contact the church office by email or phone (301-262-6008).