Emergency Response Committee
The Emergency Response Committee assists CCPC in providing for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of its members and friends in case of a local or regional emergency situation. We believe an effective communication system is the key in any emergency. Our volunteers are on nine different teams, such as the Communication Team. Our mission is to serve where possible, making good use of our resources. In event of a community crisis, we review our ability to serve. ERC is on-going and meets quarterly to review the church plans for addressing immediate needs and for long-range planning.
PC(USA) seeks to help in the world!
Disaster Relief (National or International) - Give Hope Today!
PDA is in touch with presbyteries in affected areas and offers assistance where needed. They are standing by with resources and National Response Team members ready to deploy upon invitation, when it is safe to do so.
From western wildfires to hurricanes to tornadoes to the Turkey/Syria earthquakes, PDA has provided you the means to send money to specific areas of relief in locations of national disasters, via the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance page:
For those who wish to support PDA’s emergency response and recovery efforts, gifts can be designated online, via the link above, to one of many possible types of disasters. Again, links and instructions are on the website. https://pda.pcusa.org/
You can also donate by phone Monday through Friday from 8am to 5pm (EST) at 1-800-872-3283.
God our Shelter, be a strong presence in the lives of neighbors who, having survived the winds and rains of Harvey, now face grief, uncertainty and weary days. May our generosity in prayer and in tangible signs of support overflow more than floodwaters, to sustain your work of healing and rebuilding and bring comfort and strength to those who suffer. AMEN.